"The repertory of possible events in human destinies is rather limited, and they are nearly always the same stories."
"Deep down I can't manage to become attached to this monkey-cage frenzy which people so dramatically call life."
"My host did not feel obliged to chat while eating, and I greatly admired him for that. He had no fear of being silent when he had nothing to say, or of reflecting before speaking."
"The path of greatest desires often lies through the undesirable."
"In all orders of succession or logical divisions you notice the same phonemenon. That is why we constantly mistake accident for substance, effect for cause, means for ends, our ship for a permanent habitation, our body or our intellect for ourselves, and ourselves for something eternal."
"The hollow men live in the rock, they move around inside it like nomadic cave dwellers. In the ice they wander like bubbles in the shape of men. But they never venture out into the air, for the wind would carry them off."
"Deep down I can't manage to become attached to this monkey-cage frenzy which people so dramatically call life."
"My host did not feel obliged to chat while eating, and I greatly admired him for that. He had no fear of being silent when he had nothing to say, or of reflecting before speaking."
"The path of greatest desires often lies through the undesirable."
"In all orders of succession or logical divisions you notice the same phonemenon. That is why we constantly mistake accident for substance, effect for cause, means for ends, our ship for a permanent habitation, our body or our intellect for ourselves, and ourselves for something eternal."
"The hollow men live in the rock, they move around inside it like nomadic cave dwellers. In the ice they wander like bubbles in the shape of men. But they never venture out into the air, for the wind would carry them off."