Salı, Temmuz 01, 2008

Harry Mulisch - Hitler üzerine

The Discovery of Heaven (Cennetin Keşfi - De Ontdekking van de Hemel) okuduğum dördüncü Mulisch kitabı. Bloga başlamadan önce Süreç (De Procedure), Siegfried Kara Bir Aşk Şiiri (Siegfried) ve Suikast (De Aanslag) kitaplarını okumuştum. Hepsinde de ortak bir tema olarak 2. Dünya Savaşı ve Hitler göze çarpıyordu. Hatta Siegfied, bütünüyle Hitler'in bir çocuğu olsaydı teması üzerine kuruluydu.

Mulisch, kısmen otobiyografik sayılabilecek (Max Delius karakteri kendine oldukça benzer, Onno Quist ise yakın bir arkadaşını temsil ediyor. ) Cennetin Keşfi'nde, Hitler'i etkili yapan 3 tema üzerinde durmuş ve aşağıdaki yorumlarda bulunmuş:

"..... he was the dark man with that dogged face and the 'basilisk's stare' as Thomas Mann once called it, with a pale forehead, those fanatical cheekbones, those smooth cheeks and pinched lips. That appearence counted for 33 percent of his effect."

"..... he had a voice that went right through you, which made everything he said different than if someone else had said it. A second 33 percent of the oratorical impact of his words on the masses can be attributed to his sound."

"And the 33 percent of his power was due to his incomparable body language. On the one hand his terrifying outbursts of rage at the lectern, on the other hand his perhaps even more terrifying silence: his masklike face, the precision of his pose, the tension in event the smallest movement."

"With an incompetent leader things go badly, but without a leader everything sinks into abstract arbitrariness, from which a new leader irrevocably emerges - because despite the optimism of the anarchist, that is the fundamental DNA principle."

"Everywhere the 'Führer principle' prevails: there has to be power, even in democratic societies, and that powercan only be physical. In religion that's been known for a long time, and the first to formulate it was John: 'The Word is made flesh.' "

"Through his total physical discipline, Hitler was able to penetrate people's minds with the equally total chaos of his thinking. And his physical discipline continued in his monstrous parades and processions, all of which he directed himself and which were no more than reproductions of his body. He was actually a movement artist, a dancer, a ballet master of death."

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