Çarşamba, Ağustos 13, 2008

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal - Christopher Moore

"The angel (Raziel) has confided in me that he is going to ask the Lord if he can become Spider-Man.... The angel says that evil looms larger now than it did in my time, and that calls for greater heroes."

"Mankind, I suppose, is designed to run on - to be motivated by- temptation. If progress is a virtue then this is our greatest gift. (For what is curiosity if not intellectual temptation? And what progress is there without curiosity?)"

"Those who are violent do not die naturally."

"I couldn't relate to the act of raising someone from the dead, but turning down a beautiful woman, that took courage beyond my understanding."

"There's no such thing as a conservative hero."

"It's hard for me, a Jew, to stay in the moment. Without the past, where is the guilt? And without the future, where is the dread? And without guilt and dread, who am I?"

" - Well, I'm in the moment now, and at the moment I'd like to beat the crap out of him.

- You don't mean that.

- Oh, what? I'm supposed to want to be the crap I beat out of him?"

"The yeti sighed and licked Josh's cheek again. I guessed that the creature must have a tongue as rough as a cat's, as Joshua's cheek was going pink with abrasion. 'Turn the other cheek, Josh,' I said. 'Let him wear the other one out.' "

Pazartesi, Ağustos 04, 2008

Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey - Chuck Palahniuk

"You are a different being to everybody you meet."

"Beginning with Santa in infancy, and ending with the Tooth Fairy as the child acquires adult teeth. Or, plainly put, beginning with all the possibiliy of childhood, and ending with an absolute trust to national currency."

"Every family is a regular little cult."

All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy

" - Can you ride or not? said Rawlins.
- Does a bear shit in the woods? Hell yes I can ride, I was riding when I fell off."

"In the gray twilight those retchings seemed to echo like the calls of some rude provisional species loosed upon that waste. Something imperfect and malformed lodged in the heart of being. A thing smirking deep in the eyes of grace itself like a gorgon in an autumn pool."

"A goodlookin horse is like a goodlookin woman, he said. They're always more trouble than what they're worth. What a man needs is just one that will get the job done."

"They have a long life, dreams. I have dreams now which I had as a young girl. They have an odd durability for something not quite real."

"Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real. The events that cause them can never be forgotten, can they?"

"Beware gentle knight. There is no greater monster than reason."

"- Then it can decide your price, he said.
- Some people don't have a price.
- That is true.
- What about those people?
- Those people die."